Friday, May 9, 2008

What a perfect bf should have..

• give her a big t-shirt of yours to sleep in. ( i wish i could)
• leave her cute text messages. ( i always do this)
• kiss her in front of your friends. (hmm, can i do it in school? sobs)
• tell her she looks beautiful. ( she was the most beautiful in my heart)
• look into her eyes when you talk to her. (I always do this)
• let her mess with your hair. ( let me think of it)
• just walk around with her. (she doesn't want to..)
• forgive her for her mistakes. ( I always do this too)
• look at her like she's the only girl you see. (hmm, maybe, maybe not)
• hold her hand when you're around your friends and in private. (always, but she doesn't like it much)
• let her fall asleep in your arms. ( i wish i got this chance)
• stay up all night with her when she's sick. ( i doesn't wish that she's ill.)
• watch her favorite movie with her. ( i wish i got this chance too)
• come up and grab her by the waist. (hmm, can i do it in school? sobs)

remember this:
• don't talk about other girls around her. If you love her, others shouldn't matter.
(of cuz, u noob)
• when she's sad, hang out with her. (she prefer alone...)
• let her know she's important. (I think she knew it)
• kiss her in the pouring rain. (you want us to get sick?)
• when you fall in love with her, tell her. (She's the one and the only one)
• and when you tell her, love her like you've never loved someone before. (Just told)
• answer her phone calls no matter what.(i always do this)


Andrew said...

lol. kiss her in the rain...(You want us to get sick?)thats so funny! Wait, are they? haha.

lavender lai said...

wow...if he can do tat then is extremely good...but i still so love him althought he is not perfect...