Sunday, August 29, 2010

Grown Ups (2010)

Wahhahahahahaha!!! Grown Ups, a bunch of small kids, who tend to be the coach only basketball champion, and later grown up, and bring laughter to us. American comedy is something worth to watch. It's not boring, it doesn't duplicate context of other movies, pure genuine.

From the start till the end, I laugh like I never laugh before. The 5 main characters, who are famous comedian in the past, cooperate and film this movie. Adam Sandler, Kevin James, Chris Rock, David Spade and Rob Schneider. But too bad, scene of Chris Rock seems to be lesser than others, and less funnier.

What will you see in the movie, no matter how angry, how sad, how stupid, you will laugh. Beware, you will see two hot chicks in the movie that will make your nose bleeding. LOL. There are much more thing for you to discover, so go watch it~~

I discover some hidden message in this movie. It's for all the people who had been busy with their work, and ignore every single small details, small interesting matters, and lead to a change in your life, your family's live. This movie is suitable to all age, but I think it's dedicated to those people who work hard, and lost their direction in their life. Snake and ladders are one of our small kids games, but ask yourself, are the kids playing it now? Or playing violent, bloody, gore video games on PS3 with a HDMI cable attached to it? Money is important, but there're many things that are more important than money. Family especially, don't ignore your family, due to earn money. I think I experience it before. It's awful, and pathetic.

Rating : 9/10.