Thursday, October 8, 2009


There is a statement out there, stated,
"Earth can live without humans, but humans cannot live without earth."
This statement, indeed, is a fact.

I don't know the people out there, know what's the meaning of global warming, what's the meaning of the end of the world. But, they do know, what is hot. No matter in the morning, afternoon, or even evening, the weather is hot and damp.

People always scold, WTF is with the weather? Why is it so damn hot? I'm sweating like hell now.
But, do they ask themselves, who contribute to it? Who make the weather so damn hot?

The answer is simple, and everyone knows. Try to switch off the AC in your house, if not using it. Try to sleep without AC if the weather at night is not that disturbing.

Maybe you doubted me, but to be honest, I do switch on the AC under one condition, that is when the weather or temperature are unbearable. That's when I switch it on.

For the people who read till here, thx for finishing your reading, and do your best to save the poor Earth. I believe that everyone should hear of the movie, 2012? I really scare, that will happen soon.



-ThE ClOwN- said...

Lols. One good thing about this movie is that it has made people realise how close to annihilation humans are bah. Global warming is a fact for years now, but nobody has ever been serious in doing anything, because it is easier and more convenient to just ignore that fact. Take the Kyoto protocol for example. It's more of a show than anything substantial. Too little, too slow. Let's just hope that this can push more people into action because, as statistics shows, we're really that close to extinction.

yOuNg$tEr said...

Actually, i've a dvd regarding global warming too. An Inconvenient truth, how true is that!
but with the earth heading this direction already, is there really anything that we can do to reverse the effects? even so, can we afford to do that?