Wednesday, April 14, 2010


I think I let my blog dead again. Paiseh~
Nowadays, I'm 80% lazy, 20% hardworking. Blogging is included in the lazy section. Stop crapping and blog. -.-

Everyone should know Sushi Bonanza starts from Monday and ends at Thursday.
I went for two days, one at BTS, one at MV.
Honestly, MV's Sushi King sucks. The unagi not well-cut. The purple plate only released every 20 mins. Being a shop in such big shopping center, this is super kiam siap. I just able to eat around 3 plates unagis, not even one plate of salmon. WTF.
Smoked salmon and the unagi in BTS was tempting.

Time passes, my xian xian become even cuter. Hard to describe, but, she's just cute. The details about today can be found at her blog. I'm lazy to blog about it. Sweet sweet days~