Tuesday, June 30, 2009








Still Lov[依然爱着你]ing You

Sunday, June 28, 2009






Still Lov[依然爱着你]ing You

Friday, June 26, 2009


Better wear a mask when you are out to somewhere.
The A Flu pandemic is getting serious.
The cases confirmed in Malaysia has risen dramatically in just a few days.
from 1,2, until now 80++.
Just in case, wear a mask.
Better be safe than sorry.


Still Lov[依然爱着你]ing You


The famous MJ had just passed away this morning.
May he rest in peace.
May his legend exist for centuries.


Still Lov[依然爱着你]ing You

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Typed by someone in Garena. Funny. Lol.

Modified from Jay Chou's song, 说好的幸福呢, chorus part.

怎么了,你feed了,说好的,teamwork呢,我pro了,不怕了,爱push了 ,mega了 ,开心的我一路杀人变成superkiller,
那些godlike的感觉都太深刻辽了,我都还记得,你不懂了,说好的,end game呢,我走了,不玩了,就这样 。



Still Lov[依然爱着你]ing You

Monday, June 22, 2009


Obsessed with photographing nowadays. ^^
So, my upcoming post will be all about photos.
^^. Junyi, you gonna be my sifu d. Got free time I go find you!


Still Lov[依然爱着你]ing You

Pics #2, #3, #4


Still Lov[依然爱着你]ing You

Pics #1


Still Lov[依然爱着你]ing You

Sunday, June 21, 2009


Today I drove my dream car, Nissan Sunny, Manual transmission!
Damn happy.
It's KH's cousin's car.
Its backup is powerful, just awhile then gear 4 adi. ^^


Still Lov[依然爱着你]ing You

Blogger 'K'arnival & Drag Me To Hell

Yesterday I worked for HT again in a event called The PJ Challenge Blogger's Karnival '09 in Jaya 33, PJ. It was quite a big event. A big regret for SR and I is that we didn't take pictures with those showgirls over there. T.T.

We went for dinner at night. After dinner, Movie time.

"Drag Me To Hell"

FYI, many people don't like the ending, neither do I, it does sucks.
But, BUT, it was a special movie, an unique movie, a distinct movie.
It is a thriller, yet a comedy. Yup, comedy, for me. You didn't read it wrongly or I didn't type it wrongly, COMEDY.

There are many parts that contains the laughter bombs. Fun to watch, and hard to forget those funny scenes. Worth for a heart-stopping but a laughter-bombing movie.


Still Lov[依然爱着你]ing You

Friday, June 19, 2009


Just wanna share with you all, this song, best.

羅志祥-搞笑(full mv)


作詞:陳鎮川 作曲:李偉菘

那一條牙膏 在對我傻笑
想睡就睡 想鬧就鬧

藍色的碗盤 多買了一套
要多少替代的丑角 無辜的陪笑

我在搞笑 藉著熱鬧 掩蓋著心跳
邊哭邊笑 偏要說著 一個人真好
當人群散了 突然覺得我可以死掉
還在搞笑 害怕回家 不知怎麼熬
這麼多年 早就習慣 有你的撒嬌
我想我能熬 但是至少要讓我知道 你好不好

我們的小狗 食量變好小
牠習慣睡覺的床尾 少了一雙腳

我在搞笑 藉著熱鬧 掩蓋著心跳
邊哭邊笑 偏要說著 一個人真好
當人群散了 突然覺得我可以死掉

我在搞笑 卻在醉後 眼淚拚命飆
你的離開 失去多少 我計算不了
忙完了一天 突然覺得又何必辛勞
還在搞笑 是否擁有 麻痺的療效
唱一夜歌 卻避不開 催淚的曲調
我徹夜胡鬧 希望聽到有人會提到 你好不好


Still Lov[依然爱着你]ing You

Thursday, June 18, 2009

我的家庭 (欠扁文章)

某天 ~ 黃淙暐的老師 ~在課堂上出習題 ~


我家住在深山中,每次要出去買東西,都相當麻煩,開保時捷要 5 小時,開賓士也要4 小時;雖然家裡有直昇機,但是開到那邊很難找到停機位,相當的不方便。

我偶爾也會出去逛街,爸媽怕我被綁架,隨身有 20 多個保鑣保護著,大家看到我都嚇跑了,所以我從小就開始被排斥...... 因為家裡是在深山,每次到了冬天都非常冷,爸爸也說,出去買東西很麻煩,所以冬天沒有暖爐 ...沒有棉被 ...每天只能陪著爸媽燒錢取暖 ... 而睡覺的時候,也只能蓋著錢睡覺 (我覺得英鎊比較溫暖) 。

 記得小時候,有一次,因為房間太大,還來不及跑出房間,就尿褲子了。所以,爸爸在我房間放了一台小綿羊機車,好讓我能在 10分鐘以內,衝出 1000 坪的房間,穿越 5公里的走廊,到達 800 坪的廁所 (我常常在走廊迷路 ) 。

 爸爸又另外叫人加蓋了 20間 600坪裡面有著250 坪小廁所的破房間。爸爸說:以後如果尿濕了,直接換房間,如果房間不夠或是太小的話,再告訴爸爸,爸爸再叫人來多蓋幾間,我們的生活很辛苦,你要忍著點!!


 還記得有一次,家裡遭小偷,因為他用炸藥炸壞了我爸的保險箱,使得裡面的金幣不斷的往外滾出來,結果竟把那個小偷壓死了 ......我覺得那個小偷好可憐 ......
金幣壓死人是很痛的!! 他不像之前那個被鈔票悶死的小偷一樣幸運。


 所以我從小養成了刻苦耐勞精神,我將來的志願,是要找 200 隻會吃錢的怪物,好把家裡的錢都吃光,為那些可憐的小偷報仇!!




Still Lov[依然爱着你]ing You

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Mazda Rx-8

Lazy to update.
Sorry to all my fans!

Now, presenting the fabulous car,
Mazda Rx-8.
Taken by my 3.2mp phone.
Feel contented.
My photographing skill is not bad!


Still Lov[依然爱着你]ing You

Saturday, June 13, 2009




I think I modified some of the words, but the meaning is around there.

Kasturi day tomorrow.


Still Lov[依然爱着你]ing You

Thursday, June 11, 2009

She "ask" me to do.

Originally from Pinkpau . She asked me to do, so I do lo.

1) Tell us about the first time you met and your first impression of him/her:

We were in Form 2 that year, studying in 2 Setia. Both of us think that we met by borrowing books, but the diff was, I think I lend her KH note book, but she think I lend her Science note book. Until now, we still havn't make a conclusion. There was where our fate started. My first impression of her? Nothing special, a chubby girl, who talks a lot, and I enjoy talking with her. We both were quite intimate in class although I had a gf.

2)What's a weird habit or quirk that she has?

She loves to bite her nails. LOVES. She can't keep her nails long. She cant stay up late because she get tired easily. She's quite 好胜(ought to be winner every time). Let me recall, Ah, she will forget me when she is doing something. 80% will happen in our relationship. She's forgetful. She doesn't do what she promise sometimes.

3) What makes her sad?

Babbling of her parents, me. She will cry when I scolded her loudly on phone. When she think of 2 girls, which has long hair. No hints. 2 girls, specific. (Cuz she jealous ma! ^^)

4) What makes her angry?

Her parents again, when I act like a kids, when people don't do the way she want, when someone is disturbing when she is on phone. I think that's all.

5) What excites her?
Almost every exciting things or incidents excites her. More specifically, When she get the chance to go out with me, when she lie on my chest, when she met with her friends, almost everything ba.

6) Tell us something funny about her?

Funny? She is becoming fatter. Do this consider funny? She's not humorous, but she's talkative. Everyone enjoys having conversations with her. Ah, she is clumsy. Haha. Chubby chubby ma. ^^

7) What's she like at home?

I'm not that sure, I didn't go to her house before. She will take nap whenever she can. She will fight with her sister ( o.O ), she teach her cousins, siblings. She eats. She loves to watch movies, without me. T.T

8) What's he like at work/school?

She enjoys the time being with her friends. She doesn't like to pak tuo in class. She hates teachers who don't know how to teach. I don't like her whether in work or school, totally different people. 5sc2 students should know well about this.

9) Describe her room.
Haha. Don't know. Slept with her grandma and sister. Closets, mirror, clothings, beds, pillows, bolsters, fans, lights. Other than that, nothing else.

10) What's her best friend like?

Not sure, quite a lot, I know it's not me.

11) Do you know who she hates the most?

Ah, who does she hates? I'm not sure wo, she didn't tell me. I guess no one ba.

12) Have you met his exes?

Aha. Nope. I just meet JY before. FYI, JY is a person who she likes and went crazy when she is with me. She will get super exciting when she heard that his pics were taken. Sad case. Doesn't want to mention.

13) Do his parents like you?

Hmm, last time no. Now half half. Future ??? Her sis does like me. Other than that, I don't know.

14) What's the first thing she would do or say if you fell down and scraped your knee?

Last time when she's in school, em, nothing ba ( sprained leg that time, you should rmb it. ).
Now she will at least care of me, help me put some plaster and medicine.

15) What would she do in an emergency situation with other people involved?

She will try to solve it for them or help them. How can she solve others' probs when she can't solve her probs?

16) Which shop would she spend most of the time at in a shopping mall?

Girls, of cause is clothings lo. Pharmacies, lingerie shops. Nothing else.

17) What would she have for a typical breakfast?

Aha, I don't know. No typical breakfast. The breakfast differs every time. Bread, meehoon, cake, biscuit, and so on.

18) Where would she want to go for dinner?

Home the most. She will go out with her aunt or her friends for dinner sometimes.

19) What kind of movie would she choose at the cinema?

She loves romantics, comedies, family type of movies. I know she's reluctant to watch movie, so I will just skip this ques.

20) Describe his taste in music.

More on classical and sentimental type of music.

21) If she wasn't going out with you, who would he be going out with?

Her friends, parents.

22) What item in her wardrobe would you like to burn?

Why should I burn? I will burn the clothes that I don't like.

23) What is she good at?

She can be a good gf but yet a good bf. She is good in manja-ing. She's good in singing. She's good in social relationship.

24) What is she totally horrible at?

Forgetful, she even forget me sometimes. IT-related things. She's changing, Hee. Now better. Not that horrible.

25) What's something about her that is annoying/infuriating?

To be honest, I hate it when she is with her friends. I'm kinda possessive. But now, I'm learning to be more generous and gentleman, so give some patience on me ba. Sorry to who I annoyed.

26) What's something that you two fundamentally disagree on?

Ego people. "Seafood" a.k.a. LALA, who dressed up like shit, damn colourful.

27) What's something that you two agree whole-heartedly on?

Fate. Nothing else is more important than this.

28) Is she possessive?

Em, no gua.

29) Why would he succeed in life?

She got the PR skills. So, she will succeed one day ba.

30) What is the coolest gift that she has ever given you?

Coolest? Define coolest. Sweet gift a lot. Girls always judge presents with money. The more expensive, the more sincere. Sweat.

31) What does she avoid at all costs?

Last time, the problems between us. She thinks that those problems can't be solved.

32) What does she spend the most money on?

Food, me, clothings, friends.

33) Describe her typical Sunday.

Sleep like a pig. Wake up late. Breakfast alone or with someone. TV is a must!

34) Why would she be dangerous?

She doesn't aware of the surrounding. Always nothing de la, nothing de la. Scare that she will like others.

35) Tell us about a time she looked absolutely gorgeous.

When she is on bed! Haha. She does look gorgeous all the time for me.

36) What's something about her that would surprise all of her friends?

She's big sized, but she loves to manja me. Haha. Like a small kitten. She is wild sometimes. ^^ ( Now's the time to use your imagination and judging skills.)

37) What do you love most about her?

Nothing much. Just her. Loving someone doesn't mean that we have to love for some certain reasons. There's no explanation in love for me. Love is love. I love her.

38) The biggest lesson you have learnt from loving your soulmate.

Learning now. Control my temper, treat her like gold class, respect.

GG. ^^.


Still Lov[依然爱着你]ing You

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Dota 6.60

For DotA addicts,
it's good that ver 6.60 is released,
it's bad that you might need to spend 20 mins of reading(changelog) and XX days of trying(ingame).


Still Lov[依然爱着你]ing You


The camp was successfully completed.
Photos will be uploaded soon.
Stay tune.


Still Lov[依然爱着你]ing You


男孩和女孩从小就认识,男孩经常约女孩一起去村外的池塘边捉小虾,每次男孩总是满载而归,女孩却是两手空空,女孩总是失落 的含着眼泪,独自一个人回到家,然后闷闷不乐。晚饭前,男孩敲响女孩家的门,女孩一见是男孩,扭头就走,男孩追上前,对女孩说:“对不起,我把你的虾都捉 走了,给,我把它们养在小鱼缸里,送给你。”女孩眉头一放,慧心的笑了,就这样反复着他们纯纯的童年,转眼,他们各自成长着。

男孩经常偷偷的把女孩的自行车轮胎的气放到没有,然后躲在远处,看女孩着急的走投无路,等着女孩拨通他的手机,然后破口大骂他的小贼行为。可男孩,依旧那 么喜欢这样的女孩。他窃窃的从远处走来,灰溜溜的为女孩推着那辆没了气的自行车,任由女孩在一旁发牢骚,男孩却暗自窃喜,然后委屈的对女孩说:“对不起, 我知道错了。”随即,女孩便会柔弱下来,告诉男孩下次不允许那样,男孩点头,于是,那时的他们每天都充满着笑容。


大学毕业后,男孩和女孩各自有了工作,男孩的工作总是很忙,有时一个月都休息不到一次,而女孩总是抱怨男孩冷落了她,终于,他们有了第一次的吵架。女孩委 屈的哭起来,可男孩却很理直气壮的告诉女孩:“这是为了我的工作。”这场冷战持续了很久。终于,女孩还是忍不住,主动和男孩和好了。后来很多次男孩和女孩 都因为这样的小事而吵得不可开交,可每次,都是女孩先妥协。
那年,女孩生日,男孩答应女孩要给他过一个浪漫的生日,女孩欣喜不已,她在家精心打扮,等着男孩回来陪她渡过这个美妙的生日,这一等就是凌晨,女孩在睡 梦中醒来,脸上挂着泪痕,男孩见到女孩,心疼的为女孩擦去脸庞的泪痕:“对不起,嫁给我好吗?”于是男孩拿出一枚戒指。


慢慢的,男孩每次回家,身上总是充满了不同的香水味道,而每次没等女孩问,男孩总是忙着解释说应酬太多。女孩黯然,那时起,女孩不太爱说话了,也不 像以前那么开朗了,她总是喜欢成天的呆在家里,抱着枕头看韩剧,然后随着剧情哭泣,夜深时,就会疯狂的大哭。以后的日子里,男孩回来时,身上的香水味只有 一种味道了,女孩从来不问,可是男孩依旧说:“对不起,今天又去应酬了。”


渐渐的,男孩开始不回家,或总是在外出差,男孩的事业越来越好,身边都是奉承的人,他每天都在别人的恭维下自豪的笑着,而女孩,几乎不出门了,她总 会去超市买上很多方便面,和一些必要的日用品,然后把自己关在家里,这一呆就是很久。从前,女孩会经常和男孩一起聊聊天,而现在,她孤身一人,身边没有一 个可以说话的人,每次打电话问男孩什么时候回家,男孩总是仓促的回答到:“对不起,我太忙了。”女孩,失落的扣上电话,那以后她再也没有问男孩什么时候会 回家。


那天,女孩心血来潮,按照地址去了男孩工作的地方,那是女孩第一次去,也是唯一的一次。女孩涩涩的按下电梯,来到这个男孩经常说忙的地方,她细细的 观察这个公司的每个角落,这里的一切,她都觉得很好看。终于,绕过长长的办公走廊,她来到男孩的办公室,轻轻的推开门……女孩愣住了,眼前看到的不是自己 的丈夫,也不是那个经常弄坏她自行车的那个贼小子,更不是那个把虾放在小鱼缸里的男孩,而是一个正在和别的女人做爱的男人。那个女人坐在桌子 上,******的发出微弱的呻吟声,那个男人,仿佛山林里饿极了的野兽……
许久,男孩才发现了女孩,男孩惊慌失措,忙把衣裤捡起来穿好。可女孩,转身离开了。男孩飞奔出去,追着女孩,那晚,大雨袭击了整个城市。女孩不顾男孩的叫 喊,径直往前跑,往回家的方向跑,男孩在女孩后面大喊:“对不起,我还是爱你的,对不起,我真的只爱你。”可女孩,始终没有听见。



“ 我始终没有勇气再见到你,可能是我太懦弱,也或许是我根本不想见到你,我想这些『警告:注意文明用语!』应该过的没什么两样吧,我很好,我学会了离开你怎 么让自己存活,我懂得了怎样赚钱养活自己,而不用每天等着你回家,为你烧一桌热腾腾的饭菜,直到凉了也不见你的人,我的手机已经不用了,因为我已经不会再 为你24小时的不关机,让自己饱受辐射的折磨。我懂得怎样去爱惜自己,珍惜自己的本来应该美好的生活。我想,我是可以忘记怎么去爱你的,因为你把我的爱弄 得遍地麟伤。






Still Lov[依然爱着你]ing You

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


What do you feel when you heard yr niece being caned?
I felt pain. Do you?
I still got feelings.
I'm happy that I'm not numb.
Felt pain when she's crying.
Felt touching when the committee being hugged by their kiddy.


Still Lov[依然爱着你]ing You

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Random feelings just like the random weather nowadays.
Hope that Camp will be going well.
Hope that everything will be going well too.


Still Lov[依然爱着你]ing You


I will not be around for several days.
I will be back at 9 Jun.
If any of you miss me, give me a call, or sms me.


Still Lov[依然爱着你]ing You

Monday, June 1, 2009


Went to BTS with my dear,
and her sis friends and her sis.
Isn't it weird?
Luckily, everything went well.
Had our lunch at Wendy's.
Did some charity while we are eating and we get the hand-made cards.
Had our time in Neway.
Had a great time over there.
Met Steve at Borders.
Fetched her sis's friend back to Tasik Selatan.
Heavy traffic congestion.

P/S: Notice the big fat yellow smiley in that pic? It was Ms Balloon Lai. ><

What a day, what a day.


Still Lov[依然爱着你]ing You